Sony Bravia KDL32WE613BU and KDL32WE613

The Sony Bravia KDL32WE613BU and KDL32WE613 are very similar models, but there are a few key differences to note:

  1. Design: The KDL32WE613BU has a silver frame, while the KDL32WE613 has a black frame.
  2. Connectivity: The KDL32WE613BU has two HDMI ports and two USB ports, while the KDL32WE613 has three HDMI ports and two USB ports.
  3. Sound: The KDL32WE613BU has 5W + 5W speakers, while the KDL32WE613 has 8W + 8W speakers.
  4. Price: The KDL32WE613BU is usually slightly more expensive than the KDL32WE613.
  1. Stand: The KDL32WE613BU has a silver stand, while the KDL32WE613 has a black stand.
  2. Energy efficiency: The KDL32WE613BU is rated A+ for energy efficiency, while the KDL32WE613 is rated A.
  3. Remote control: The KDL32WE613BU comes with a different remote control than the KDL32WE613. The KDL32WE613BU’s remote control is designed to work with voice control, while the KDL32WE613’s remote control is more basic.
  4. Weight: The KDL32WE613BU weighs 6.2 kg, while the KDL32WE613 weighs 4.9 kg.

Other than these differences, the two models are very similar. Both have a 32-inch screen size, HD resolution, and smart TV functionality. They also have similar picture quality and use the same operating system.

Consumer reviews of the Sony Bravia KDL32WE613 on forums are generally positive, with many users praising its picture quality and smart TV features.

Here are some of the common themes and comments that I found in my research:

  1. Picture quality: Many users commented on the TV’s good picture quality, with some saying that it’s particularly impressive for an HD TV. Several users also noted that the TV’s colors are accurate and vibrant.
  2. Sound: Some users noted that the TV’s sound quality is not particularly strong, with some suggesting that a soundbar or external speakers may be necessary for a better audio experience.
  3. Smart TV features: Many users praised the TV’s smart TV features, particularly its ability to access streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. Some users also noted that the TV’s interface is easy to use and navigate.
  4. Build quality: Several users commented on the TV’s sturdy build quality, with some noting that it feels durable and well-made.
  5. Price: Many users commented that the TV offers good value for the price, particularly given its range of features.

Overall, the Sony Bravia KDL32WE613 seems to be a well-regarded TV among forum users, with many praising its picture quality, smart TV features, and overall value. However, some users did note that the TV’s sound quality could be improved, and others commented that it may not be the best option for those who are looking for a larger screen size or more advanced features.

Ultimately, the choice between the KDL32WE613BU and KDL32WE613 may come down to personal preference, budget, and the specific features you’re looking for. If you need more HDMI ports or prefer a black frame, the KDL32WE613 may be the better choice. However, if you prefer a silver frame or need only two HDMI ports, the KDL32WE613BU may be a good option for you.

Here are some popular FAQs and answers related to the Sony Bravia KDL32WE613:

  1. What is the screen resolution of the KDL32WE613?

The Sony Bravia KDL32WE613 has a screen resolution of 1366 x 768, which is considered to be HD.

  1. Can the KDL32WE613 be wall-mounted?

Yes, the KDL32WE613 can be wall-mounted using a VESA-compatible wall mount.

  1. Does the KDL32WE613 support HDR?

No, the KDL32WE613 does not support HDR.

  1. How many HDMI ports does the KDL32WE613 have?

The KDL32WE613 has three HDMI ports, which allow you to connect multiple devices such as a gaming console, Blu-ray player, or streaming device.

  1. Does the KDL32WE613 have built-in Wi-Fi?

Yes, the KDL32WE613 has built-in Wi-Fi, which allows you to connect the TV to your home network and access streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.

  1. Does the KDL32WE613 come with a remote control?

Yes, the KDL32WE613 comes with a remote control that allows you to navigate the TV’s settings and features.

  1. What is the viewing angle of the KDL32WE613?

The KDL32WE613 has a viewing angle of 178 degrees, which means that the picture quality remains consistent even when viewed from the side.

  1. Does the KDL32WE613 have a USB port?

Yes, the KDL32WE613 has two USB ports, which allow you to connect a USB drive or other USB-compatible device to the TV.

  1. What is the refresh rate of the KDL32WE613?

The KDL32WE613 has a refresh rate of 50Hz, which is standard for most HD TVs.

  1. What is the warranty for the KDL32WE613?

The warranty for the KDL32WE613 varies depending on the retailer and country of purchase, but it is typically one to two years.