Best LCD Tv for seniors

LCD stands for liquid crystal diodes and the Television sets made of LCD are much thinner and lighter than CRT screens.LCD screens are now very cheap to produce and hence its price is falling like a rock for last few years.It’s sale is also surpassing the sale of CRT, Plasma and Projection TVs.LCD also consume way less energy than CRT and Plasma Television.In the beginning LCD were not used for big screens due to slower refresh rates, but eventually it catch-up and now we have bigger and high definition LCD televisions with a large array of sizes upto well over 100 inches.


The basic difference between LCD and LED Tv is that LED Tv has an extra feature than LCD which is backlighting which helps a lot in improving the picture quality.In the beginning LCD had an advantage on LED over the price but now they both are about the same price level.

Beside LED there are other compatible technology available like plasma screens, OLED sets, and projectors Tv.

LCD vs. plasma

Some folks prefer plasma Tv as it has a better picture quality than LCD sets at comparable prices,but they are a bit thicker and heavier, produce more heat, use more energy, and reflect more light compared with LCDs. Early plasmas also had a number of problems, including image retention (a still image left too long could burn into the screen permanently). Later plasma Tvs solved many of these issues, but consumers continued to shy away.

OLED is an emerging technology that promises far better picture quality than what plasma,LCD and LED TV have to offer, but the price range of an OLED Tv is very high.If you are willing to spend those big bucks than definitely OLED Tv is the best bet.

LCD vs projector

Projectors are not  so much a competing TV technology, as it is a different way to experience visual content.
projectors allow for giant screens size given a large enough room, a projector can output an image literally dozens of feet wide. They’re also less expensive than LCDs TVs of similar quality.So if you want a big size like 100 plus inches,projector is a cheaper option. But to setup a projector is cumbersome and require a big room.

In conclusion LCD are high definition Tvs available at a cheaper price.

Here are some of the deals on Amazon for LCD Tv

Under 32″

33″ To 43″

44″ To 69″

70″ and UP